I hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas, we were round my mum and dad's who live about an hour's drive away. Some of my brothers and sisters were there and we had a lovely day, my dad makes absolutely the BEST stuffing ever - delicious!

I got a portable MP3 player amongst my many presents which I have been hinting about  for a while - I figured I could listen to music whilst making beads without having to leave a radio in the studio as an additional security risk. So I have finally joined the 21st century with regards to the way we listen and download to music and I'm glad I did -it's really much easier than I imagined it would be!

I had been hoping to get out into the studio before now to try out some of the experiments I have been meaning to try for ages but the mad rush of Christmas-time got in the way. Unfortunately, I have succumbed to a cold - I woke up with it on Boxing Day and I have just wanted to stay in the warm in front of the fire!  

A couple of times during December, I got a tickly throat and thought it was on it's way then, I have been in contact with so many people with colds that it was kind of inevitable - sheer force of will and being far to busy to be ill managed to keep it at bay but as soon as I relaxed - BANG - it got me! It's not too bad, I don't have a temperature so it's not flu but I felt rough the last couple of days. On Sunday, I had to miss a family day with the sister we didn't see on Christmas day which I was looking forward to.

I am feeling much better today though and hoping to get out there tomorrow - keep eyes peeled for photographs of anything I like soon!