I have been meeting myself coming backwards for the past fortnight! I haven't had time to blog, take photographs of new items or update my website.

Christmas shopping has kicked in big time and so I have been busy making jewellery to restock my stall - many thanks to my customers, both regulars and new ones. I have been so lucky, my sales levels have remained higher than last year, I get commissions every week from people visiting my stall who want matching items for things they purchased in the summer, my web orders have sky rocketed, due I think to the many business cards which disappeared from my stall in October and November.

In case anyone is waiting for a web order, I am turning them round in about 3 days at the moment so your items will be with you very soon - I have four packages to send off today to various peeps.

During December, I am doing Fridays on the Art & Craft market as well as my usual Saturday and so I am down a day on creating beads and jewellery.

Yesterday was fairly typical, around this time of day, I turn on my kiln in the studio to heat up and then come back in the house to check and reply to any e-mails received. I do a couple of jobs round the house til 9am like cleaning doggy footprints out of the hall after Missy's morning walk with DH and wash up the breakfast things. The postman arrives shortly afterwards and I check the mail, sign for deliveries etc. Then I have to refill the bird feeders - they are going through the nuts in the two nut feeders every 4 days and the fat feeders (4 of them) need refilling every day now.

I get out into the studio at around 9.30am and with a couple of breaks for cups of tea, I make beads til around 2.00pm. I then make jewellery in the afternoon in the house, if DH isn't working from home, I take a half an hour to walk Missy before it gets dark and there are various tea drinking intervals. Usually I watch a DVD whilst I'm creating, yesterday it was four episodes of the fourth series of Charmed which I somehow managed to miss if it was ever aired in the UK - I love stuff about witches and sci fi etc.

DH has been cooking dinner all this week as I'm so rushed, bless him and he has been doing the washing up as well - love him to bits! So I eat dinner at around 6.30 to 7.00pm.

After dinner, I check e-mails again and do any ordering of materials that I need. I then collect the day's beads from the kiln and clean them in front of the television - last night I was watching that Catastrophe programme presented by the Baldrick guy who also does Time Team whose name escapes me.

I will be back blogging again regularly as soon as Christmas is over but in the meantime, I wish all my customers a very happy festive season!