The settled Autumn weather has continued this weekend. Sales were reasonable on Saturday in our shaded corner of All Saints Garden. October is usually quite quiet - we're currently inbetween the tourist/summer visitors and the Christmas rush. I've not really noticed the credit crunch affecting my business as yet (fingers crossed that it's all sorted out before it does ...)

Today, I have been outside adding a coat of preservative to my studio, the fence of the paddock to keep Missy in and the cotinas that carry my power cable. All three are different shades of brown and soon they will all be a unified colour of mid-Oak and also protected against the wet and wind of winter in the UK. I got the shed and the two cotinas done and a bit of the fence but it (as usual) took longer than I thought and I had to stop for dinner and now it's dark! 

I am having Thursday off this week as the farm next door to where I live is having one of their shooting days and I like to keep out of the way so DH and I are taking Missy for a walk somewhere else in the car. If the weather stays fine, I will hopefully have time to finish the fence and I can take a photo.

All the time I was painting, I took down the half coconut bird feeders that hang from the outside of my studio and attract great quantities of blue tits. Wow - did they complain at me from the nearby hedge (I am persona non grata in bird-land at the moment!)