Here are the as promised photographs of new necklaces which I am about to put up on the website.

I have been doing a load of experimentation the last few days, particularly with pink glass but have only come up with one new type of bead that I am happy with. So I made a set of lentils but they are all different sizes!

We are having some stress again with the builder for the last 2-3 weeks. They are nearly finished repairing all the faults to our house in Cambridgeshire and they have mucked up the bannister and they haven't done the exhaustive investigation into why the party wall vibrates every time next door put on their washing machine.

There is probably more that DH isn't telling me about, I think he knows how badly stress affects me and he tries to deal with it himself without getting me involved (bless). Oh well, it will soon all be over (I hope). My excema has started back up again and the stress is probably why my creative juices are somewhat lacking.

This morning, pink glass and I fell out big time. Usually I am looking forward to seeing what has come out the kiln but .... well, I have come away from the torch as it's just not happening for me today.

What I need to cheer me up is my frit order to arrive from Glass Diversions!